Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hamlet - Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Shakespeare Essay Hamlet is a moral avenger in a corrupt and unjust world. He is the only person who questions the moral atmosphere of Denmark but is driven to act irritationally because of the distress placed on him by the world. Hamlet struggles with his duty to his father, his disillusionment with himself, his revenge on Claudius, his mother’s sudden remarriage, the purpose of the ghost and the corrupt nature of Denmark. By not informing the audience of the intentions of the ghost, Shakespeare keeps them engaged by creating disillusionment through Hamlet’s struggle for the truth. Furthermore, Shakespeare continues to engage audiences by presenting ideas of duty and corruption which are shown largely through the characterization of Hamlet. Hamlet struggles with his thoughts and feelings. The degree to which his alienation and melancholy signalled in his behaviour varies from production to production due to his father’s death. ‘O that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew, or that the everlasting had not fixed his canon ’gainst self-slaughter. O God, God, how weary, stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world! (Act 1 Scene 2). This quotation is Hamlet’s first soliloquy which signifies his first thoughts about suicide and how the world seems â€Å"weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable†. It conveys that he sees the world as a neglected garden grown foul. It also uses extended metaphor to articulate his strong desire to rest in peace. In other words, Hamlet finds suicide a desirable alternative to life in a painful world but this option is closed to him because it is forbidden by religion. Hamlet exposes the range of his depression: weariness, despair, grief, anger, nausea, loathing and disgust, resignation. The importance of this soliloquy lies in its establishing of Hamlet’s personality and revealing his mental condition. It presents Hamlet’s struggle for life and the disillusionment he feels towards the world. Through this, the audience therefore gain a closer relationship with Hamlet, and are absorbed by him because they are able to resonate with his circumstances, as he is faced with enduring truths of the human condition. Hamlet’s disillusionment with himself is largely driven by the disgust towards his mother’s sudden remarriage. In Act 1 Scene 2, Hamlet is dressed in black, signifying grief for his dead father. His appearance contrasts strikingly with the costumes and attitudes of the courtiers celebrating the wedding of Claudius and Gertrude. In this soliloquy, Hamlet describes his intense disgust at his mother’s second marriage to his despised uncle so soon after his father’s death. ‘Hyperion to a Satyr†¦those shoes were old with which she following my poor father’s body’ (Act 1 Scene 2). He describes the haste of their marriage through irony, noting that the shoes his mother wore to his father’s funeral were not worn out before her marriage to Claudius. The technique metaphor and juxtaposition are used to recall his dead father as infinitely superior to Claudius (his father was â€Å"so excellent a king†, a â€Å"Hyperion† which is the sun god; while Claudius is a bestial â€Å"satyr†, a lecherous creature, half-man, half-goat). He recalls how tenderly and protectively his father loved his mother, and how passionately she loved him. Hamlet condemns the marriage and struggle to accept that his mother betrayed his father but sorrowfully vows silence. Here, the audience is engaged through a deep understanding of Hamlet’s emotional feelings and the circumstances of betrayal in a relationship. Hamlet’s struggle for the truth of the Ghost’s intentions engages audiences with many possible interpretations that follow. In Act 1 Scene 4, Hamlet’s meditation on human nature is interrupted by the appearance of the Ghost. He sees it as ‘a questionable shape’, and the question it poses for him will haunt him for much of the play: is it good or evil? Hamlet’s uncertainty whether the Ghost is an agent of God or the Devil is expressed in three vivid antitheses and three rhetorical questions: â€Å"Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, by thy intents wicked or charitable†¦say, why is this? Wherefore? What should we do? † (Act 1 Scene 4). The Ghost claims he is the spirit of Hamlet’s father and orders him to revenge his murder. In Shakespeare’s time, revenge was forbidden by state and Church alike. The Church considered revenge as a sin for which the revenger’s soul was damned, condemning him to suffer everlasting torments after death. Therefore, the Ghost is seen by audiences as a devilish spirit sent to tempt Hamlet into an action that will result in his suffering for eternity. Here, audiences are engaged through Shakespeare’s dramatic treatment of Hamlet’s struggle for the truth and his disillusionment with the Ghost. Hamlet is hungry for revenge, but unsure if he knows the truth. His thoughts, emotions, and desire for action struggle with each other. In the soliloquy of Act 4 Scene 4, triggered by Fortinbra’s ruthlessness, Hamlet begins to realise his excessive over-thinking. It dawns upon him that he had been thinking too much and acting too little. ‘Now, whether it be bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple of thinking too precisely on th’event†¦I do not know why yet I live to say this thing’s to do, sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means to do’t’. Due to his delays in action, Hamlet criticizes himself as a coward, with insults in the soliloquy ‘O what rogue and peasant slave am I! why, what am I! ’ (Act 2 Scene 2). Hamlet is self-abusive in his expressions and shows deep depression through the comparison of himself to the lowest and most worthless thing he can think of. Hamlet himself is more prone to â€Å"apprehension† than to â€Å"action†, which is why he delays so long before seeking his revenge on Claudius. Hamlet’s struggle to take action builds the climax throughout the play and keeps audiences engaged with the many questions and interpretations that follow from his indecisive and uncertainties to bring action upon his duty to his father. Hamlet is polarised due to his disillusionment with the corrupt state of Denmark. Denmark is frequently described as a physical body made ill by the moral corruption of Claudius and Gertrude, and many observers interpret the presence of the ghost as a supernatural omen indicating that ‘something is rotten in the state of Denmark’ (Act 1 Scene 4). This personification indicates that King Claudius is what is â€Å"rotten† in Denmark. The line spoken by Marcellus help create the sense of corruption that will grow increasingly throughout the play. He expresses disgust at the physical corruption that follows death in the metaphor ‘Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay,/ might stop a hole, to keep the wind away’ (Act 4 Scene 1). As Hamlet surveys the rather pathetic remains of Yorik, he realizes that even a praised man like Caesar has by now become a bit of clay that may be used to patch a lowly farmhouse wall. Like the body of a king going through the guts of a beggar, as part of the naturalness of the cycle of death, he presents the idea that the body of man is part of the earth and goes back to earth. Hamlet becomes especially concerned with the meaning of existence in addition to that of those around him, and he finds it difficult to reason what may become of him after his worldly life. He questions whether man’s spirit is important and after all, does the legacy people leave behind really matter when they’re dead? Consequently, Hamlet hesitates to take action upon his revenge on Claudius and struggles to find an answer to the questions he consistently asks himself. Here, audiences are presented a rather detached view of events that continues to engage them through the dramatic treatment of struggle and disillusionment of Hamlet. In conclusion, it is clear that Hamlet’s life contains many minor problems that make up the big problem. The Ghost of his father appearing to him is what began Hamlet’s morality and excessive thought. Thus, melancholia causes Hamlet a lot of grief and struggle to remain alive in this ambiguous world. Hamlet questions his own nobility, and deciding that he must die to be noble is a contributing factor in Hamlet’s lack of haste in murdering Claudius. Further, the internal struggle between contemplation and action, as well as the struggle to accept human mortality itself represents the audiences’ own struggle to comprehend the nature of tragedy. His struggle with uncertainty and the conflict that emerges between fate and freewill have a universal relevance as they continue to be key existential concerns, which strike a chord with contemporary audiences.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Know It Alls :: essays research papers

Know It All’s Just because a person thinks they know it all, doesn’t mean they can teach. In America, the land of the free, gives this privilege every year to many people. They get their Masters or even a PHD degree in college and think they can mold the minds of others. This is such a farce. The degree may give you the right to become a teacher or even a doctor, but it does not mean you will be a good one. Teaching comes from the heart. If you absolutely love what you are doing it will show in class. It will show in the faces of the students. It will show with the in class discussions with the students. And finally, it will show in the test scores from the class. How the class is doing, in the subject, reflects totally on the teacher. If the whole class is failing, then the teacher has failed as well. So couldn’t we say that this kind of teacher has fallen through the cracks? Like so many illiterate people who get all the way through the twelfth grade and still don’t know how to read. People learn in different ways. We are all different. Just because I know how to play the piano, doesn’t mean that the student next to me in class can play the piano as well, and I do not expect it. We all have different levels of talent and different levels of ability to learn. Some people just get it and everything comes easy. Some people struggle with some things and some with everything. This is where the teacher has to adjust their teaching skills to fit these needs. Everyone can not be taught the same way. I had this experience in college with the worst teacher that taught Microeconomics and a Psychology class. Yes I was slammed twice. He introduced himself and bragged for an hour and a half about his vast degrees and his experience in Vietnam and all the places he had seen and basically things I did not need to know. After listening to him I felt like I was in shell shock. I kept asking myself, â€Å"What does this have to do with this class?† He would jump from one subject to another and go off on a tangent. And of course we were all expected to read his mind. He would start a sentence and expect you to finish it.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Invisible White Privilege

White people, from birth, automatically benefit from their light skin color, enjoying the privileges relating to child care, education, hygiene, careers, politics, etc. Compared to white people, people of color are at a distinct disadvantage. They are treated differently than white people, and they are the ones that suffer, not having this same privilege. In Peggy McIntosh’s article White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, McIntosh describes how whites carry the invisible privilege.In society, white people are treated better than non-white people since segregation, beauty trends, political power, social connections, and street crime seem to be better for them. According to McIntosh, White Privilege is an invisible package of unearned assets granted to white people (McIntosh 1). They can enjoy special advantages that are beyond common advantages of people of color. White privilege is a social constructed phenomenon. Besides physical appearance, there is no biological difference between white people and the non-white people.It is society that distinguishes whites from people of color, and it tends to recognize all races besides those who are white. Living in a society of white dominance, whites are carefully taught to ignore the fact that white privilege puts them at an advantage. This is because, according to McIntosh, deconstruction of white privilege threatens the myths and ideas about this nation, and it challenges the notion of equal opportunity and meritocracy (McIntosh 2). There are many ways that white privilege still exists today.Here are five examples of white privilege I find out in my life. 1. White parents do not have to be worried about their kids being scared at school. I learned from the news that at Delavan-Darien High School, the American Diversity class divides students into whites and non-whites, and tell non-whites students, â€Å"you have been oppressed and you are still being oppressed†. 2. White women represent beau ty and lead the trends. Speaking of this, why don’t we take a look at the proportion of white models in the 2013 New York Fashion Week?An official statistic shows that out of the 5,000 styles in last New York Fashion Week, around 80 percent were modeled by white women. Fewer than 1,000 styles were given to women of color (Dries 1). 3. White people occupy Congress. In Congress the total is 87 percent whites, which is divided into 85 percent in the House and 96 percent in the Senate (Portero 3). The voices of politicians of color are often drowned out in the politic sea of white dominance. 4. White people are able to achieve success more easily by using their connections.Because of belonging to the dominant group, white people have more connection than people of color do. Based on this, they are more likely to succeed. 5. Whites do not have to be worried about being shot one day on the street. A well-known example can be the Shooting of Trayvon Martin. Making a run to the store to get some refreshments for his brother and himself, Martin was shot and killed by the neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman because, according to Zimmerman, â€Å"he was very suspicious.†I think if Martin were a white guy, Zimmerman would not have seen him as a â€Å"real suspicious looking guy†. In society, people regard whites’ lives as morally neutral, normative, and ideal. Whites are elevated above people of color. Although I believe all racial groups are harmed in the long run by racism, white privilege still exists as a daily reality throughout every part of the structure in the United States.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Computer Is The Era Of It Essay - 966 Words

Introduction Computer is an electronic device used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. That is why this age is called as the era of IT. And now we cannot imagine a world without computers. It is made up of two things one is the hardware and other is software. All physical components of computer like keyboard, mouse, monitor etc comes under the hardware whereas all the programs and languages used by the computer are called software. These days computers are the tools for not only engineers and scientists but also they are being used by millions of people around the world. Computer has become very important nowadays because it is very much accurate, fast and can accomplish many tasks easily. Otherwise to complete those tasks manually much more time is required. It can do very big calculations in just a fraction of a second. Moreover it can store huge amount of data in it. We also get information on different aspects using internet on our computer. In mid nineties computers were only used by the government and army because at that time using computer was a complicated task. When the microprocessor was invented, computer gets smaller in size but after DOS and unix it became very easy for the people to use computer. and , of course, most of us Computer in different fields:- Banks Almost every bank is using computers to keep the record of all the money transaction and other calculations. Moreover it providesShow MoreRelatedComputer Company : A Whole New Era Of Technology1426 Words   |  6 Pagesthe very first computer company was founded, thus beginning a whole new era of technology that has evolved over a period of 76 years and has yet to slow down. Throughout the decades computers have transformed from machines that took up the space of an entire room, to fitting in the palm of your hand. Computers come in all shapes, sizes, and types such as desktops, laptops, cellphones and even game systems. 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When we think of technology the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer. Computer is an electronic device used for storing and processing data, typically in a binary form, according to the instructions given to it in a variable program. Computers make our lives totally distinctive. Our current generous improvement is because of computers in numerous rangesRead MoreThe Development of Computers Essay1346 Words   |  6 PagesDevelopment of computer What is computer? According to Wikipedia, computer is a device that can be programmed to do a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. It is started with the basic device to perform a mathematic problem which is known as Abacus. Computer has been developing year by year and we have seen a lot of generation or development of computer nowadays. The first generation of computer starting from years 1940-1950, this can be called as the first electronic computer. DuringRead MoreBrief History of Software Engineering1733 Words   |  7 Pagesit as computer program stored in a computer which includes defined procedures or set of rules that lead to development of an output from a given input procedure for solving mathematical problem, Subah A.(2001, 4). It is produced to satisfy customer’s or individual’s needs. Let us ask ourselves, where does it come from? According to Subah A. ( 2001,2) , â€Å" Robert C.Class divided the long history of software into three different periods; the Pioneering Era (1955-1965), The Stabilizing Era (1965-1990)Read MoreOutliers by Malcolm Gladwell 1451 Words   |  6 Pages42) exemplifies how Karp came to becoming a computer genius. David Karp had access to extended advantages not offered to other high school students by being homeschooled at a young age. Encouraged by his mother, Karp dropped out of school at age 14 to be homeschooled with an emphasis on computers, coding and Japanese (Cooper). 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