Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ethics and Moral Theory Essay

The words â€Å"moral† and â€Å"ethics† (and cognates) are often used interchangeably. However, it is useful to make the following distinction: Morality is the system through which we determine right and wrong conduct — i.e., the guide to good or right conduct. Ethics is the philosophical study of Morality. What, then, is a moral theory? A theory is a structured set of statements used to explain (or predict) a set of facts or concepts.à  A moral theory, then, explains why a certain action is wrong — or why we ought to act in certain ways.à Ãƒ  In short, it is a theory of how we determine right and wrong conduct.à  Also, moral theories provide the framework upon which we think and discuss in a reasoned way, and so evaluate, specific moral issues. Seen in this light, it becomes clear that we cannot draw a sharp divide between moral theory and applied ethics (e.g., medical or business ethics). For instance, in order to critically evaluate the moral issue of affirmative action, we must not attempt to evaluate what actions or policies are right (or wrong) independent of what we take to determine right and wrong conduct. You will see, as we proceed, that we do not do ethics without at least some moral theory.à  When evaluating the merits of some decision regarding a case, we will always (or at least ought to always) find ourselves thinking about how right and wrong is determined in general, and then apply that to the case at hand.à  Note, though, that sound moral thinking does not simply involve going one way — from theory to applied issue.à  Sometimes a case may suggest that we need to change or adjust our thinking about what moral theory we think is the best, or perhaps it might lead us to think that a preferred theory needs modification. Another important distinction: Are moral theories descriptive or prescriptive ? In presenting a moral theory, are we merely describing how people, in their everyday ‘doings’ and ‘thinkings,’ form a judgement about what is right and wrong, or are we prescribing how people ought to make these judgements? Most take moral theories to be prescriptive. The descriptive accounts of what people do is left to sociologists and anthropologists.à  Philosophers, then, when they study morality, want to know what is the proper way of determining right and wrong. There have been many different proposals.à  Here is a brief summary. Theories of Morality (1) Moral Subjectivism Right and wrong is determined by what you — the subject — just happens to think (or ‘feel’) is right or wrong. In its common form, Moral Subjectivism amounts to the denial of moral principles of any significant kind, and the possibility of moral criticism and argumentation.à  In essence, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ lose their meaning because so long as someone thinks or feels that some action is ‘right’, there are no grounds for criticism.à  If you are a moral subjectivist, you cannot object to anyone’s behaviour (assuming people are in fact acting in accordance with what they think or feel is right).à  This shows the key flaw in moral subjectivism — probably nearly everyone thinks that it is legitimate to object, on moral grounds, to at least some peoples’ actions.à  That is, it is possible to disagree about moral issues. à  (2) Cultural Relativism Right and wrong is determined by the particular set of principles or rules the relevant culture just happens to hold at the time. Cultural Relativism is closely linked to Moral Subjectivism.à  It implies that we cannot criticize the actions of those in cultures other than our own.à  And again, it amounts to the denial of universal moral principles.à  Also, it implies that a culture cannot be mistaken about what is right and wrong (which seems not to be true), and so it denies the possibility of moral advancement (which also seems not to be true). à  (3) Ethical Egoism Right and wrong is determined by what is in your self-interest.à  Or, it is immoral to act contrary to your self-interest. Ethical Egoism is usually based upon Psychological Egoism — that we, by nature, act selfishly.à  Ethical egoism does not imply hedonism or that we ought to aim for at least some ‘higher’ goods (e.g., wisdom, political success), but rather that we will (ideally) act so as to maximize our self interest.à  This may require that we forgo some immediate pleasures for the sake of achieving some long term goals.à  Also, ethical egoism does not exclude helping others.à  However, egoists will help others only if this will further their own interests.à  An ethical egoist will claim that the altruist helps others only because they want to (perhaps because they derive pleasure out of helping others) or because they think there will be some personal advantage in doing so.à  That is, they deny the possibility of genuine altruism (because they think we are all by nature selfish).à  This leads us to the key implausibility of Ethical Egoism — that the person who helps others at the expense of their self-interest is actually acting immorally.à  Many think that the ethical egoist has misunderstood the concept of morality — i.e., morality is the system of practical reasoning through which we are guided to constrain our self-interest, not further it.à  Also, thatà  genuine altruism is indeed possible, and relatively commonly exhibited. à  (4) Divine Command Theory Many claim that there is a necessary connection between morality and religion, such that, without religion (in particular, without God or gods) there is no morality, i.e., no right and wrong behaviour.à  Although there are related claims that religion is necessary to motivate and guide people to behave in morally good way, most take the claim of the necessary connection between morality and religion to mean that right and wrong come from the commands of God (or the gods).à  This view of morality is known as Divine Command Theory.à  The upshot is that an action is right — or obligatory — if God command we do it, wrong if God commands we refrain from doing it, and morally permissible if God does not command that it not be done. Divine Command Theory is widely held to have several serious flaws.à  First, it presupposes that God or gods exist.à  Second, even if we assume that God does exist, it presupposes that we can know what God commandsà  But even if we accept theism, it looks like even theists should reject the theory.à  Plato raised the relevant objection 2500 years ago.à  He asked: Is something right (or wrong) because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right? If the latter, then right and wrong are independent of the gods’ commands — Divine Command Theory is false.à  If the former, then right and wrong are just a matter of the arbitrary will of the gods (i.e., they might have willed some other, contradictory commands). Most think that right and wrong are not arbitrary — that is, some action is wrong, say, for a reason.à  Moreover, that if God commands us not to do an action, He does so because of this reason, not simply because He arbitrarily commands it.à  What makes the action wrong, then, is not God’s commanding it, but the reason.à  Divine Command Theory is false again. à  (5) Virtue Ethics Right and wrong are characterized in terms of acting in accordance with the traditional virtues — making the good person. The most widely discussed is Aristotle’s account.à  For Aristotle, the central concern is â€Å"Ethica† = things to do with character.à  Of particular concern are excellences of character — i.e., the moral virtues. Aristotle, and most of the ancient Greeks really had nothing to say about moral duty, i.e., modern day moral concepts.à  Rather, they were concerned with what makes human beings truly ‘happy’.à  True ‘happiness’ is calledEudaimonia (flourishing / well- being / fulfilment / self- actualization).à  Like Plato, Aristotle wants to show that there are objective reasons for living in accordance with the traditional virtues (wisdom, courage, justice and temperance).à  For Aristotle, this comes from a particular account of human nature — i.e., the virtuous life is the â⠂¬Ëœhappiest’ (most fulfilling) life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Dalton: University and College Sports

Persuasive Essay Language I 4th hour Dalton Wright Should College Athletes Get Paid? Do you think college athletes should be paid while they are in season? If you do think that college athletes should be paid by the University to play a sport or sports, then I disagree. You are probably thinking that I am crazy for saying that college athletes should not get paid, but just here me out on why I think they shouldn’t be paid. They get full ride scholarships! College athletes get full ride scholarships that include: great medical plan, free housing, free food, tuition, sometimes maybe even a computer.So why should they get paid when they get all this stuff? Well they don’t have enough to work in order to clothes and necessities? Some colleges even pay for that. They should already have clothes to wear anyways. Also they can work when they are not in season. They still might have practice or workouts and what not, but they can still fit in work, school, and Sports. If they r eally need money that bad I am sure they have siblings or family that could loan them some money. Not paying the players is going to teach them to be more responsible about managing their time.When you decide to go to college to play a sport, you are going hoping that you are good enough to go to the pros and then get paid there. Paying the athletes is going to alter their motivations for going to college for a sport. Athletes are going to college to learn their field so they will be good at what they do. Then they get paid for it when they get out of college. Paying the players sounds good on paper but will never happen without a series of incidents and scandals. If universities pay their players three hundred dollars this year they are going to want one-thousand dollars next.They are going to keep demanding more money. This is not the pros. The pros get paid and the amateurs are still learning. There for they should not be paid for learning their field. College athletes pay is the ir full ride scholarship that pays their tuition, board, books, food, etc. It is going to hurt the players integrity by giving them more than what is needed. If you start paying athletes who generate the most revenue, what will happen to the college sports that don’t make as much money for universities?Will participants in women’s sports be docked because they don’t historically generate as much money as a college football program? These are the important questions we must ask when considering this. If the universities pay the football players and not the other athletes, it will not be fair and the other athletes will go on strike. There are just too many issues with paying the athletes. The women’s sports do not generate enough revenue to pay the women athletes. If the athletes got paid then college sports would lose a lot of fans.The players would not be as hyped as they are when they aren’t paid. College athletes have this hype that is unlike pr ofessional athletes. This is why college sports are so much more popular. They generate just as much money as the professionals and the tickets are cheaper. Paying these athletes would ruin a long on going culture. This is why college would lose so many fans. Athletes will start to play for the money and not for the love of the game. This will change the mood and tone of the stadium. It is called college sports because the athletes that play in it are students and not professionals.Another big reason why college athletes should not be paid is because colleges are paying enough money to build facilities, pay coaches, give scholarships, and pay athletic directors to make sure that they have the best chance of winning. If colleges pay their athletes, there will not be as much money to go around for any of these things. Also, in a bad economy like this, they can’t afford to pay athletes. If a school wants to pay a big-time coach, they can’t pay their players. Also, they ar e already helping their players get into the school by giving them their scholarships so that they can make school as affordable as possible.People forget that college athletes are also called student athletes. Student means learning. In college they are students just like everyone else except they play a sport. Students don’t paid to get good grades or do well on a test or activity at school. You are supposed to learn how to manage your life and grow up. You are expected to get a job to support yourself and learn what it takes to survive in this country in its day and age. On top of that how are coaches supposed to discipline there players when they screw up a play or decide to take a day off if the players know that they are still going to get payed.Another reason many people love college sports is because they are students just like you. They are in the classroom and you see them on campus. Other students feel closer to them because they are part of the community just like them. Paying college athletes separates them. It takes all of the buzz out of it. Bibliography: http://bdlsports. net/2011/07/19/college-athletes-should-not-be-paid/ http://www. theatlantic. com/entertainment/archive/2011/09/college-athletes-should-not-get-paid/245390/

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Commerce Clause WIckard v. Filburn and Affordable Care Act Term Paper

Commerce Clause WIckard v. Filburn and Affordable Care Act - Term Paper Example The judicial system novel comprehension was solidified and elongated over the next couple of years, as the older judges stopped working due to retirement, giving FDR the chances that his militant endeavors had failed to establish. With this in mind why should we bother reviewing, much less written of the book â€Å"Rethinking the New Deal Court?† Main body Barry Cushman, a historian at Virginia University, provides a simple answer: the story we are aware of and love is incorrect. In Barry’s point of view, the assertion that a craven court suddenly neglected several doctrines to save itself from the critics of Roosevelt’s group is misplaced on every instance. The doctrinal alterations were not sudden, but happened over an extended period of time, as a number of justices slowly pulled away from previous decisions restricting government’s directive of the economy. The climax was not 1937 but rather 1934, when the judicial system defended a New York decree set ting milks’ price. At last, the absolute momentum to change was not the threats from outside, but the judgment of the courts own ruling. Even though, Cushman is in agreement that by 1940 the constitution of the pre-New Deal was gone, he is not in the same wavelength why, when, and how it was neglected. Stressing Cushman’s disapproval of the typical description, is a condemnation of the poetics of the legal authority- the way we converse about jury and rule unspoken in that account? To be distinctive, he believes that the typical explanation is too reductionist in its handling of decree and the jury. The law is reduced to politics, treating the jury as just politicians who are not elected militants who respond to their condition as any politician might be; doing what is prudential to enhance their agenda. Many at times, they are usually greedy and their reach supersedes their grasp. Such overreacting was in short what transpired in the 1930s, according to the typical ac count. By putting down the New Deal and supplementary intrepid political schemes channeled to save the nation from the Depression, the Judicial aggravated such a powerful response that it had to move back in the facet of Roosevelt’s Court-packing preparation in order to conserve what was left of its veracity and supremacy. Cushman starts by illustrating that the typical account does not fit the history of events. In fact, this description requires a string of events that is exactly the opposite of what actually transpired. Most visibly, the fairness debated and voted for the vital cases in meeting a number of weeks before Roosevelt proclaimed the court-packing strategy. Although not yet unearthed, the toggle happened before the nine noticed that they required to be saved. In the event that the court had the knowledge of the courts-packing strategy when voting, the plan stimulated up such antagonism from politicians and people that it might have threatened the justices. Indeed , looking at it at a closer perspective of opposition to the jury indicates that the real mystery is why the jury for ages to integrate the New deals. It was fastest in its resistance during the first years of the New deal, when the allies and FDR were mostly known and liked. It rejected the struggle long after the climax of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Recomedation to Managers Who Feel Stuck or Underutilized in their Jobs Essay

Recomedation to Managers Who Feel Stuck or Underutilized in their Jobs - Essay Example At this stage in life, children would have grown up and left home. This allows such managers’ to do things they would not do when they were younger.The managers are not tied down to geographical areas or neighborhoods, it is possible to accept overseas posting or to new environments within their own country. The managers are seasoned, experienced and have in-depth knowledge of the working of the company. This allows them to seek new opportunities for opening and running overseas company branches or newly acquired businesses. Many companies utilize managers who are at this stage of company development to integrate newly acquired businesses. In midlife, some neglected or latent parts of the self-begin to bubble up and be manifest. Managers who feel stuck in their jobs should utilize their new personality traits to seek out more challenging opportunities to utilize their skills in combination with these new personality traits. Managers who feel underutilized should be creative and carefully plan how to renew their careers with the support of their immediate supervisors.Constantly thinking of new ideas and seeking different approaches to solving problems and going to the immediate supervisor with specific practicable suggestions will help in shining the spotlight on the development needs. These managers may solicit for opportunities to review or develop company policies, as their opinions and perspectives on processes, problems and important issues are greatly valued. Managers who feel stuck in their jobs should join training programs and aim to improve their overall development; they should acquire new skills, techniques and develop a variety of specialties that will open new avenues for challenging.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Politics - Essay Example International trade is a common policy of an open economy. This might come in goods and services trade or in shipping of capital to and from the country. International trade is one of the highly talked about macroeconomic policies of the governments in the world. Almost all the capitalist countries open their goods and services to trade especially with the creation of the international agencies such as World Trade Organization and the World Bank. Opening the country to the rest of the world also means having an ally in the form of aids in case of calamities or wars. Trade talks can be bilateral or multilateral. At the present, the vast of its international relation of Africa is through foreign aid. The continent has opened its door to foreign aids especially after its independence from Europe. â€Å"Overseas development aid has played a much greater role in Africa than in any other part of the world† (Mkandawire). This paper wishes to trace if the existence of a trade deficit (having higher imports than exports) influenced the conduct of macroeconomic policies in African countries such as Tanzania. If so, in what ways has the deficit influenced macroeconomic policies? â€Å"In the broadest sense, macroeconomic policy is directly concerned with the aims of growth, distribution and sustainability that have been recognised as overriding national objectives† (National Development Strategy). â€Å"It is a tool for changing the economic positions of countries in the wordl economy† (Wuyts). International trade is one of the most important macroeconomic decision of a country as it affects its exchange rate, the interest rate and other aspects of the economy. TheAfrican economies was tagged as â€Å"uncommonly open† because of a high ratio of trade relative to the Gross Domestic Product (Wuyts). In the year 2000, this number reached to more than 60% of the GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa. An important study then is to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Choose from the book Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choose from the book - Assignment Example These new governments passed the discriminatory ‘Black Codes,’ which denied Blacks the right to testify against whites, barred entry to juries and state militias, denied them suffrage, mandated yearly labor contracts, restricted the occupations open to them and denied them property rights. When Jackson vetoed the Civil Rights Bills, establishing equality before the law for all races, and the Freedmen’s Bureau Bill, the Republican Congress broke with him. Radical Republicans in Congress embarked on their own reforms, through constitutional legislation, in a period called the Radical Reconstruction, extending from 1866-1877. The Fourteenth Amendment of 1868 guaranteed Blacks civil rights and equality before the law; the Fifteenth Amendment of 1870 mandated racially impartial voting rights; the Civil Rights Act of 1875 banned racial segregation. The Freedmen’s Bureau, whose powers were expanded by Congress, assisted former slaves to assert their rights. Severa l former slaves held legislative office, and entered the Congress, the Senate and the judiciary. Equal civil and political rights for African-Americans were ensured by such constitutional reforms. Former slaves succeeded in obtaining small family plots and a share in revenue through sharecropping. Socially, the African-Americans could now enjoy public conveniences, legalize their marriages and obtain educations. Radical Reconstruction struck a blow against racial discrimination, and laid the foundation for social integration of African Americans. With the election of 1876, and the Democratic dominance of Congress, the Reconstruction came to an end. 5. Explain the course of the Spanish-American War. (Page 663) The Spanish-American War was the offshoot of American expansionism, ignited by rising nationalist sentiment, and the doctrine of ‘Manifest Destiny’: it was the ‘duty’ of the ‘superior’ Anglo-Saxon race to spread Christian and Democratic va lues to ‘backward’ people. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain that began in 1895. American public sympathy for the Cuban revolutionaries was exacerbated by the ‘yellow press’, reporting atrocities committed by the Spanish on civilians. American investments in Cuba, and the perception of the strategic importance of the island in Central America, led President McKinley to dispatch the battleship USS Maine to Havana, to pressurize Spain. The mysterious explosion of the Maine in February 1898, with the loss of nearly 270 lives, was attributed to Spain. When Spain rejected American demands for a cease-fire and Cuban independence, McKinley declared war on Spain in April 1898. â€Å"The splendid little war,† (Foner, 663), to quote Secretary of State John Hay, resulted in only 400 American casualties and ended in four months. On May 1, the Spanish fleet was destroyed by the American navy under Admiral George Dewey at Manila Bay in the Philippines. The charge at San Juan Hill, outside Santiago, was highlighted by the popular press, which made Theodore Roosevelt a national hero. American troops landed in Cuba after another naval victory in July. American victory was declared in August. Contrary to its pre-war statements, America set to acquire an overseas empire. Under the following peace treaty, Cuba became an American Protectorate under the Platt Amendment of 1902, and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Health Beliefs of Haitians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Beliefs of Haitians - Essay Example Always when a Haitian becomes ill, the first line of care is home herbal remedies. These are often utilized for the prevention and treatment of cold, fever, and stomach aches. Traditional treatments are passed on from generation to generation. It is difficult for them to accept Western approaches such as vaccination and cancer screening as they feel the treatment may make them ill and they have no prevention against it. Haitians believe that pain affects the whole body system and because of that they are frequently not able to tell you where the pain comes from. They also may come to the physicians office and be very vague about what is wrong with them because they see everything as the same (, either natural or supernatural. All deformities are considered brought on by an evil spirit. Haitians who have a chronic illness are cared for by family and friends, they seldom go to a nursing home. If they get to return home they will pay the spirits back by having a Thanksgiving ritual. Haitians also believe that a wheelchair means they are very sick and they will misunderstand if it is offered. Haitians do not talk about organ donation, nor do they believe in organ transplant. Pre-natal care is not an illness so there are most likely no prenatal care visits and it may be very difficult. Practitioners Most of the lower class in Haiti believes in Voodoo and that comprises about 85% of the population. They do practice Christian beliefs at the same time. There, according to the Haitians is not only a visible world but a spiritual world. The spirits of the deceased make up both good and bad spirits. Usually when there is an illness the Haitian goes to see the Hougan who is able to be a conduit to the Loas and provide a cure. If the patient has visited the Hougan several times and is not better, they may be referred on to the physician (Miller, 2000). If a patient is in the hospital here in the United States, they may want to go back to Haiti to see a Hougan, especially is they are not getting better. Physicians within the community of practitioners to treat Haitians must do what they can to understand the cultural significance of many of these beliefs in order to get screening and preventive care done. Chronicity and Psychiatry The role of the supernatural is very much a part of Haitian society. They feel that chronic illness as well as psychiatric illness is caused by the supernatural. Depression, psychosis, inability to perform activities of daily living and academic underachievement may often be seen as a curse or a spell placed on them. They often feel that this happens because they did not work hard enough of did not do something they should have done (Astrid & Shiela, 2002) and didn't. They may feel they were lazy or that someone had a grudge and put a spell on them through an evil spirit. Patients who are chronically ill are usually cared for at home by family and friends: nursing homes are almost never used. It should be remembered also that offering a Haitian a wheelchair is the same as telling they are very ill and may not get better ( In actuality, the Haitians deal with many chronic illnesses due

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Things They Carried Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Things They Carried - Research Paper Example Certain techniques are used by those at war in order to ensure their survival and victory. Such techniques are known as warfare. Warfare can be categorized into; warfare by objective, doctrine and terrain. War was initially one of the biggest problems facing mankind long ago, and still is. War is an act of resolving conflict by forcing the enemy to do according to the victors’ will (Simons, 23). Different forms of war require different methods of warfare. Types of warfare include; conventional warfare, which is attempting to limit an enemy’s military capability while in battle. Such is used when war is declared between states, and the use of nuclear, biological or chemical weaponry is not allowed. Unconventional warfare is whereby an opponent attempts to acquire triumph through admission of defeat or consent hold up for a side of the conflict. Nuclear warfare is the utilization of nuclear weapons in order to force the other opponents to surrender. Asymmetric warfare is whereby guerrilla tactics are used in order to defeat the enemy. These are mostly used in case where an opponent has an advantage with advanced technology in terms of weapons. Chemical warfare is whereby chemicals are used to coerce the opposition to surrender. Chemical warfare was used during WW1 (The First World War), in which there were so many casualties and numerous injured. Before soldiers go to war, they train in order to be fit and so that they can have an added advantage when in the battlefield. Certain items should be carried that should be used in the war. Items carried are influenced by the time, geographic location, climate and terrain of where the war is to take place. â€Å"The things they carried† which was written by a former soldier, Tim O’Brien, whose personal experiences in war led him to write a book about it. The soldiers in his book participated in the Vietnam War. The war lasted a time period from September 26th 1959 to April 30, 1975. Numerous things were carried by the soldiers, and many of them show the burdens that each soldier was carrying. First ‘Lieutenant Jimmy Cross’ takes letters to Martha, from Mount Sebastian College and reads them daily. Even though he is in love with her, the feeling is not mutual with her. Most individuals carry photographs, and Jimmy Cross takes two of Martha, and in one, she's playing volleyball (O'Brien, 8). What the men carry are things that they require and in this case make sense which include mosquito repellents and marijuana, certificates, pocket knives, candy, the occasional chewing gum openers, heat tabs, watches, dog tags, cigarettes, sewing kits, tablets of salt, lighter, matches, Kool-Aid and water. Things they carry depend on several factors, which included their own beliefs, traditions and priorities. Taking a look at the Henry Dobbins, the machine gunner, who is considerably large, carries extra rations considering his body size. His superstitious nature causes h im to put his mutual friend’s pantyhose around his neck. Ted Lavender, a nervous individual carries marijuana and tranquilizers which he uses to calm himself down, and then there is Kiowa, who is religious and carries an illustrated book of the New Testament that his father gave him (O'Brien, 12). Other things the men carry can be termed as universal for any form of war, which include a medical supply of compressed cotton and other medical supplies that could have given the function of a tent, groundsheet or a raincoat. They carry weapons which include the M-60, the standard

Friday, August 23, 2019

(Depend on the play) Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

(Depend on the play) - Movie Review Example Its capability to transform simple objects into more valuable things tickles one’s imagination. It challenges character for one to be who he is not, where ever, whenever. The magic that happens on stage can be deemed contagious, especially when the pixie dusts of theatre arts touch the mind, heart and soul of the audience. First impression lasts, they say, but as for the play Midsummer Night’s Dream, it dominates. This first impression pushed the button of audience enthusiasm by simply creating impact from the set design and overall ambience of the theatre. The stage was set with a mini stage, circular with small wall- like structures and with three overlapping ramps. The set was white and glittery which created a magical feel for the magical play that it is. The different lighting designs created moods for scenes. It perfectly falls on the white palette of the stage. The music engaged the audience to their emotions while watching the play. The simple wonders crafted from set, music and lights design gave amazing effects to the ambience of the play, and improved overall performance. Speaking of performance, the actors were impressive. Individual characterization was effective. The actors seem to be in real connection to the fictional character that they are portraying. Line mastery is essential in acting but to transcend with it is the bigger challenge. To achieve the desired effect to the audience the actors need to commit to the character, in such a way that even their nails embody the nails of the portrayed character. The characters optics, kinesics, and movement are also some essentials that were excellently achieved by the actors. Costumes also greatly contributed in the production value and effectiveness of the production. Midsummer Night’s Dream is a fantasy play with queens, kings, fairies, and the like. The intricately designed costumes talk about the personality of the character the moment the actor stands on stage. Props are


FOREST ELEPHANT AND ITURI FOREST IN CONGO - Essay Example On the other hand, the natives hunt on the forest elephants and perform various other activities to sustain their life. There is a fine line of difference between upholding the natural aspects of the forest and fulfilling the needs of all the stakeholders. A research including the perspectives of all the stakeholders involved is required in order to establish that line of difference. Background of Ituri The forest got its name from the famous Ituri River. Confined within the boundaries of the Uganda borders and the open regions of Savannah, Ituri forest along with its rivers ends up on the banks of the Zaire River. The forest is composed of very hilly regions covered with dense vegetation and the average altitude across the hills is around 800 meters. The dense vegetation includes trees of hardwood type, predominantly spread across several acres of the land. The forest is abundant in its natural resources and thus provides immense opportunities for economic exploitations. (Ituri Fore st, 2011) Stakeholders Mbutis The natives are the major stakeholders involved in modifying both economic and environmental perspectives of the forest. The Mbutis, formerly known as the Pygmies, have sustained their life in these dense forests for several generations. Although, at present, their population is standing around a meager 40000, they still play a major role in determining the usage of this forest area. The Mbutis primary mode of subsistence has been through hunting. Although, the reasoning for their hunting expeditions have all been closely connected to their economical subsistence, the current trends of hunting by the Mbutis, does not restrict to that reason alone. Other economic aspects are brought into the picture, bringing up different stakeholders, interested in various products of hunting. There is a wide market opened for trading forest products especially the meat of deer, monkeys and forest elephants. The contemporary trends in trade market suggest that there is a growing demand for the Antelope meat. Commercial organizations and other entrepreneurs are targeting the high commercial value for Antelope meat and hence, irrespective of the treacherous conditions of the forests, they travel up all the way to exchange flour, rice and other food products with Mbuti for Antelope meat. Since commercial hunting provides them the necessary means to sustain a forager’s life, there hunting expeditions continue to grow in the Ituri forest. Apart from this, they cultivate vegetation and extract minerals from the land and exchange it for food products. But, the resources of minerals and trees have attracted other stakeholders to make use of these resources for commercial purposes. The places once exploited only by these natives have become a source for many. As a result, there protein supplier’s role that they have been pursuing for more than 2000 years is dwindling rapidly. Immigrated settlers The exploitation started in the 1940’s i tself when the Belgians opened up the roads for easy transport and since then, several acres of land have been wiped out of trees for cultivation and agriculture. One major consequence because of these circumstances is the depletion of traditional trade between the Mbutis and the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Crucible consider how Miller uses Character Essay Example for Free

The Crucible consider how Miller uses Character Essay The tension is released and this is the point where John shows he is willing to blacken his name and destroy his reputation to prove that Abigail and the girls were all lying. John is clearly broken by his words and realises fully the extent of what he has done and how damaging they are. This builds up more tension and suspense in the audience as to whether John will admit his adultery to the court. In the proper . . . see it now John explains his and Abbys affair to Danforth, Danforth receives the story in horror, as he cannot take in all the new issues and starts to believe that the girls were all lying. Abigail cant believe that she is so close to being found out so angrily lashes out at Danforth who then decides to bring Elizabeth into the court to back up what John had said, she is an honest woman so why would she lie this would prove if the girls were lying or not. The tension mounts highly as the court proceeds and Elizabeth enters. Danforth gives Elizabeth orders not to look at Abigail or Proctor just him and questions her about Abigail, the suspense is unbearable by the time Elizabeth Is asked the question, Is your husband a lecher? a brief silence is held and then she answers, No sir. Danforth then tells Elizabeth to be taken away again and John calls out to her to tell her that he had already admitted to it. Hale tries desperately to explain why Elizabeth said that her husband didnt commit adultery but it does no good and before he can finish justifying Elizabeths actions Abigail falls again into a little scene where Marys spirit is attacking her and the girls. Mary screams at Abby to stop but it does not work, Danforth asks why the girls are repeating everything she says but Mary is so overwhelmed by it all that she feels powerless against them. The brief silence is a important aspect of this episode as it builts up dramatic tension and leaves the audience in a lot of suspense not knowing what Elizabeth will do, lie for her husband or not. In the play Mary runs away to the sea, which is symbolic of washing away your sins, John calls out to her today to say that god damns all liars but in the play they all stay in the courtroom. John reaches out to Mary and she backs away from him and screams, Dont touch me-dont touch me! like he is the devil or evil. This takes Proctor by surprise as Mary carries on, youre the devils man! Parris and the girls start screaming, Praise God! over and over again and mass hysteria takes over them. This whole episode is creating more and more tension in the audience as it is very dramatic. Hysteria is a key dramatic device used in The Crucible Mary tells them all of how John made her write in the devils book and that she must help him overthrow the court. She looks at John with disgust and declares her love of God. John then stands in the middle of the courtroom or sea in front of everyone and screams, God is dead! This silences everyone for a moment including the audience as the tension that has mounted throughout the whole scene has been added to until breaking point. The silence is kept until Parris screams, hear it, hear it! Proctor insanely laughs at the comment and declares all his feelings about the whole trials. He has no respect anymore for the church and trials and shows it when he screams, You are pulling down Heaven and raising up a whore! here, Proctor is sticking up for his wife saying that by believing Abigail the court will be raising up a whore, and personifys his wife as heaven satin that you are pulling down heaven. Proctor goes on to say its a whores vengenance This quotation is taken from Act III, when Proctor finally breaks down and confesses his affair with Abigail, after trying, in vain, to expose her as a fraud without revealing their liaison. Proctor knows from the beginning that the witch trials constitute nothing more than a whores vengeance Abigails revenge on him for ending their affair but he shies away from making that knowledge public because it would lead to his disgrace. This scene, in the Salem courtroom, marks the climax of the play, in which Proctors concern for justice outstrips his concern for his reputation. This re-prioritization of values enables him to do what is necessary. But he finds, to his horror that his actions come too late: instead of Abigail and the witch trials being exposed as a sham, Proctor is called a liar and then accused of witchcraft by the court. His attempt at honesty backfires and destroys him. This more or less ends the scene, bringing into the next scene tension and suspense and worries in the audiences mind about Johns mind. I denounce . . . this court At the end Hale quits the court as he has lost all faith in it. Miller wrote this play for two main reasons; one was to show how hysteria takes over people and how different people react to situations posed to them, Scene 3 is the scene where all the hysteria takes place, it bears a lot of resemblance to events of today and throughout the past 100 years. The first main events are the world wars where a hysteria swept through young men and women to sign up for the services or to help out with the war effort; that was hysteria that was used for good but there have been incidents especially in the 1980s with the football riots where hysteria did a lot of damage and cost peoples lives. The play would bear quite a lot of relevance to todays audience especially now as war is pending and people will be feeling a certain hysteria. At the anti-war protests hysteria will have been felt amongst the people building them up to a state of dislike for the politicians involved and the people for war. Hysteria also brings people to form small minded, bigoted opinions of the things they are against like in the cases of Danforth, Parris and Putnam. The second reason why Miller wrote this play was because of the McCarthy trials were taking place at the time. These were trials that took place in the early 1950s after World War Two and anyone with leftwing sympathies should be investigated and make themselves known at persecuting public hearings. People were encouraged to inform on those they suspected which may be where Miller got the idea of Abigail from as he had seen what rumours and gossip could do as he was one of the accused in the McCarthy trials. Miller chose the Salem Witch trials to put his play into the context of because like the McCarthy it was a true event that happened in American history. In Salem, Massachusetts in the 17th century the in habitants very much believed in the devil and knew of his powers so thought that all witchcraft should be hunted out. They were puritans, which meant that none of their habits and activities were very strict and no entertainment was permitted. Miller did a lot of research into the inhabitants of Salem then so many of the characters are based on real people their actions however and words were not spoken as Miller made the people his own in the play. Miller writes Act 3 very cleverly so that the audience know information that the judges do not, this is a way of making the tension and intrigue in the crowd rise. This form of audience participation is used often by great play writers such as Shakespeare even though their styles are completely different it still has the same effect of dramatic tension and makes their plays interesting and exciting for all the members of the audience. 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section. Download this essay Print Save Not the one? Search for

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Issues of Healthcare Work and Safety for Employees

Issues of Healthcare Work and Safety for Employees Aims of this assignment are to give a clear understanding of the role of the healthcare assistant, regarding issues found in healthcare. To explain some of the causes, symptoms relating to the healthcare worker and safety and health in the workplace. The aims are also to give an incite to occupational illness and some preventive measures. Following the aims I will make some recommendations and improvements that can be make to improve the health and safety within the workplace. Upon finishing this assignment I will finish with an evaluation of my findings. Noise and Sound. Many health care assistants work in a noisy environment, radio, televisions clients (shouting, banging), phones ringing, bells, machines and trollies squeaking and creaking. The Hazard here results in a working environment that affects the health care assistants concentration, this in turn results increased work place injuries. Risk Hearing is affected for both the health care assistants and the clients, causing the clients to become agitated with the constant noise. Leaving clients and staff feeling agitated with one another. Control here would be to reduce the level of noise within the care environment. Special noise absorbing panels can be hung on walls to reduce the noise level. These panels were introduced into an Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Centre, (Georgia Tech Research Institute). Reducing the noise level within the home from 16 speakers to 1 speaker noise level. Also, helping the veterans to sleep better. Sometimes its a case of getting a hearing aid for a client. Stress never have enough time to carry out jobs. The Hazard here results in jobs rushed to get everything done. Stress is also caused by aggressive clients sometimes treats of violence or actual violence, bad management over worked staff not enough staff resources stretched, bullying due to a client demanding the care assistant do jobs there not supposed to do alone or another member of staff. Risk Lack of concentration, low appetite, tiredness, lack sleep from worrying about work, can cause bad concentration, mental health issues, absenteeism, no patience, snappiness, and physical issues. In severe cases the health care assistant might take their own life as seeing no way out. If its a case of bullying keep records and record findings. Control carry out a risk assessment on the working environment. Control the workload making sure its shared equally among staff. Improve staff working conditions. Ensure staff can voice their opinion to management without repercussions. Keep up to date with in house training. Introduce a wellbeing programme or mindfulness teaching staff how to unwind. Cater for the individual persons needs. As health care assistants, we should follow healthy lifestyles staying fit and active. Also, make sure you know your company policy and health and safety act 2005, know your rights. Dangerous Chemicals fumes and dust example cleaning. Hazard Health care assistant role also include using dangerous chemicals regarding fumes and dust particles in the atmosphere. Risk untrained staff and clients exposed to chemicals. Staff that havent taken part in induction training are at serious risk to burns, breathing difficulties, and in severe cases death. Clients that can gain access to these chemicals are also at risk. 1. Control Follow MSDS (material safety data sheets) if none are provided read instruction on chemicals never use chemicals /medicines unless instructions are provided. 2. No label dont use. 3. Keep chemicals in locked cabinets and locked rooms key pad rooms are better as staff arent running around looking for access. 4. Always use proper PPE equipment. 5. Use chemicals within a well-ventilated area. 6. Never hoover as this allows dust particles to move to other areas. 7. All staff need to be made aware of chemical training, chemical awareness should be rolled out to all staff especially when dealing with hazardous chemicals and waste. Hazard -Occupational related illness with a regard to a health care assistant. You should consider winter vomiting bug, pathogens or infectious diseases. Winter vomiting bugs are notorious in care facilities, hospitals this time of the year causing diarrhoea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, this in turn causes slips, trips and falls among those affected. Risk pathogens are micro-organisms. Manual Handling -Hazard Patient moving and handling. Uneven load lifeless loads, motionless clients who are bed ridden and cant assist in helping to move themselves. RISK Common cause of accidents is manual handling for the Health Care assistant. This in turn causes an impact on resources as many go out sick with injuries resulting from bad practices in manual handling. Some health care assistants can be bullied by clients into rushing not waiting for lifts, hoists or assistance from other staff members. Or shockingly some care facilities dont provide adequate hoists, lifts or staff training for certain areas or jobs. Control Avoid bad practices always refer to your training in good manual handling. Stay up to date on training keep yourself safe. Make sure client moving handling is carried out as safe as possible. Take all safety precautions lifts, two persons lift or as needed. Make sure lifting equipment are kept updated with maintenance and are checked regularly. Lighting in the area is good, considering clients abilities have them help as much as they can, this in turn helps them lifting their spirits. Footwear should be good quality good grips non-slip will help reduce slips, trips, falls. Occupational related illness Bullying. Causes of bullying can be anything from the colour of a persons hair, skin or that bully in this case I will refer to Ms. x. Ms x just had to look at me a certain way for me to know yes, its going to be a crap day. For me it was a case of too happy always smiling, friendly too helpful way too happy to be right in the head. Really my tormentor was going through a difficult time her mom had cancer. Symptoms include work going missing, taunts, called a bad mom for working, pestering, laughing when I fell over while being pushed from behind, telling lies about me to co-workers impacting how others treated me, people stopped talking for appro 8 months. Impact on the worker impact on me as a mom, daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, friend you start to question yourself blaming yourself that yes, I must deserve this or is there something wrong with me. My self-esteem was shot to bits I couldnt eat, sleep then Id have binges of food anything. As your always wrong in the bullys eyes you try to please people. Too happy, fat, skinny its a circle it escalated one day when she threw a fork into my face in the packed canteen, everyone just laughed or turned away trying to not make eye contact. I just walked out grabbed my car keys headed to wooded area with one thought in my mind I want the pain to end. I was a nervous wreck at this stage always ready to defend what I was doing. Things moved fast after these events, I fought to get placed on another shift. Bad news travels fast in factories with some effort on my new co-workers they saw through the crap and brought me out of my darkness. Preventive measures the wellbeing programme was introduced within the company. Work areas got split up no women on their own men were slipped into the mix. Private phone numbers were given out if you felt the need to talk (wellbeing) without everyone knowing what was going on. Confidentially line was set up if you felt you or someone you knew needed a chat, were being bullied. Talks were given on how to spot, stop things from going too far. Health and safety statement. Safety statement is a written document thats written into law. This document is a programme written to safe guard employees, visitors, workmen, and anyone that comes into the workplace environment. Safety statement is part of the Safety, Health and Welfare at work act 2005. Safety of employees. Workmen, visitors anyone visiting must be made aware of the Safety Statement. This document must ensure safety and health. Must adhere to the law and its standards. Must cover people, machinery, chemicals, and materials used. Covering work carried out.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cross Culture Understanding And Tourism Cultural Studies Essay

Cross Culture Understanding And Tourism Cultural Studies Essay Analyse three important aspects of cross-cultural understanding which affect tourism. No one would challenge the fact that tourism has become an international phenomenon of global consequence (Uysal, 1994, p.123). The internationalization of the tourism industry is complex and wide ranging. It is a type of cross-cultural communication and understanding. For instance, tourists who come from all over the world may have numerous encounters while visiting a destination such as accommodation, transportation, attractions and catering. Meanwhile, the tourism industry has to organize tourism resources well and also fulfil tourists satisfaction (David Jackie, 2009, p.139) from their different cultural backgrounds. Cross-cultural communication is based on languages, customs, foods and religions. Thesis Statement: Cross-cultural communication has lead to the growth of the tourism market in the last decades and is booming in 21st century. International tourism is typical cross-cultural communication. Millions of people have encountered other cultures primarily to pursue a vacation (Kim, 2001, para. 3) to experience various cultures and customs. Purpose Statement: The purpose of this essay is to analyse three important aspects of cross cultural understanding which affect global tourism in terms of communication methods, foods as well as religions. First, it will outline the most important aspects of cross-cultural understanding in the industry. Secondly, it will explain why they are important for both tourists and hosts by providing some examples. Finally, some suggestions will be given for running a successful global tourism business. Body A Language 1. Language is very important for a tourist Language is the code (Wagen, 1997, p 41) in cross-cultural communication, it is important in tourism for both tourists and hosts because it is the means by which meaning is constructed between them. It has been viewed as exchange of information and cultural differences. If they cant understand the same language the tourist experience will be unsatisfactory. Furthermore, the hosts wont be able to provide a quality product or experience and their business and reputation depend on doing so. For example, if we look at the experience of Japanese tourists who visit Australia, they need to be able to get accurate information for visiting the places they want to see. Since the tourists speak Japanese and the people in the tourism destination speak English, it can give rise to problems in terms of no communication and misunderstanding. In addition to that, other situations where language is very important to tourists are accidents or crises of some kind like losing a wallet or getting lost i n the situation of tourists cannot understand the information which have been provided on the signage (du Cros, 2007. p. 228) as well as they cant communicate in English. These can be very serious matters. 2. Language is an important factor that tourism hosts have to take into consideration. In order to obtain cross-cultural understanding and make tourism satisfied with their overseas travel. Language is an important factor. Tourism hosts should be aware of tourists language habit and tradition. In the case of Japanese visit Australia, it is important that the host enterprises provide some on-site interpretation (du Cros, 2007, p. 235) service. They basically tend to remove the confusion between difference languages. In addition, to provide some Japanese information, for example, Japanese version of warning, introduction as well as catalogues will help them to understand. In case of some accidents will happen during the traveling. The travel agency also needs to provide some Japanese document which including information of embassy, police offices and other organizations. On the other hand, despite Japanese tourists can speak English while they travel in Australia, their way of expression is different from native speakers. Therefore, to understand Japaneses verbal communication skills and traditions plays a significant role in tourism industry especially for hosts. FitzGerald (1998, p.23) provided the fact that the way of answer the questions in terms of you dont, do you we cant, can we. To native speaker, their answer is No when they agree with this sentence. But Japanese peoples answer is yes, which is opposite meaning to English speakers. It is because there is no rhetorical question in Japanese dialogue. The answer is following the question in Japanese whereas it is in according to the fact in English. Therefore, it is better to avoid offering these sorts of questions to Japanese, otherwise it will lead to misunderstanding. Furthermore, Japanese people who travel in Australia would give their opinion by translate Japanese to English directly, whic h means the style (FitzGerald, 1998, p.23) of answer is different from English. According to FitzGerald, when Japanese give feedback, they prefer repeat yes instead of OK or I got it. Those are examples of different verbal communication in Japanese and English which make hosts to take into consideration when they provide tourism service. Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication is very important for a tourist. According to Reisinger (2002, p.31) Cross-cultural difference are not only refers to verbal communication, but also existed in all sorts of human activities between foreigner tourist and local hosts. Non-verbal behavior is a significant element for a tourist because it is easier to be noticed and understood than verbal communication. Mehrabian(as cited in wagen,1997, p43)state that less than 10% of the message is communicated by words recording, as twice as much that of the message expressed by languages and 70% of through non-verbal language in terms of posture, gesture and facial expression. What is more, the behaviors of greeting, formality as well as body touching are important means of non-verbal communication which are reflected by tourists. Non-verbal communication is an important factor that tourism hosts have to take into consideration. Likewise the verbal communication which is indispensable, to tourism hosts, non-verbal communication is important as well. According to FitzGerald (1998, p.xii), for the Asian people who visit Australia, the hosts should be aware of their sensibilities of their own cultures and customs. For instance, for Chinese people, there is not too much body touch between male and female. They prefer to smile and pad without touching. The only touching is hands shaking while first meet which is widely being accepted recently. Therefore, hosts should avoid much body contact. This names cards which be considered the representation of persons face should fully aware by hosts. It is suggested to pass them with two hands as well as accept them in a similar fashion (FitzGerald, 1998, p.63) when give name cards to customers. Meanwhile, they should be accepted respectfully and reading carefully the names cards of their customers, which is a sort of etiquette in international business. It is better, espe cially for tourists who from Japan and Korea, to pass and receive all the objects to use both hands. What is more, gesture in terms of a kind of body language can easily be identified by hosts. People from different cultural backgrounds have different speculations of body languages. Several examples are provided below which present the different features of body languages of Asian people. Table 1.1 Body Language gestures from around Asia. (Van der Wagen, L, 1997) China Sucking air through the teeth occurs when something is surprising or difficult. In China it is best to change the request to avoid the embarrassment of having to say No. The host always has his back to the door while the chief guset faces the door. To beckon someone, the palm faces downward and the fingers are moved in a scratching motion. Bones are often left alongside the dish. When finished eating the custom is to place the chopsticks parallel across the bowl. Indonesia Indonesians rarely disagree in public and will laugh together and hold them over their heads. Guests do not drink until the host begins. Where the table is large, rapping the knuckles on the table is a form of restaurants people may share tables. Japan Direct eye contact can be seen as intimidating. Bowing in greeting is customary. Waving the hand in front of the face signals I dont knowor I dont understand. A waiters attention is attracted by catching his eye and dipping the head. Listening without interruption is polite. A Japanese person wearing a mask in public probably has a cold. Korea The Western gesture for come here is only used for dogs. To beckon someone in Korea the arm is extended, palm down and a scratching motion is used. Drunkenness is quickly forgiven. Thailand Showing the soles of the feet or pointing with a foot is insulting as the foot is seen as the dirtiest part of the body. The head is the most sacred part of the body, and children should not be patted on the head. The left hand is unclear and is not used to pass objects or food. (Source: Van der Wagen. 2002, p. 44) Food What food means to a tourist. Food is considered as an aspect of cultures. It is important to tourist because they can experiment the local culture via taste local food. There are increasing recognition that tourist who travel around are aim to enjoy the variety of local cuisine, drink as well as snack. Sim (as cited in Urry Wang, 2007.p.328) argued that tourists is going to obtain typical signs which representative a place that comfort to their own expectations, foods and drinks would be a good example. Therefore, tourists are likely to perchance regional specialities (Sim as cited in Urry Wang, 2007.p.328) as well as sit in the famous local restaurant to enjoy the authentic local food. Meanwhile,it also be argued that the to develop the local catering is a kind of connection between consumers and the local residents. Tourists are looking for commodities that can give them an insight into the nature of a place and people who living there. so that they will encounter the dialect, customs, life styles and people s dressing code while they visit these restaurants, which is a powerful part of an integrated tourism experience. Local specialities as a sort of souvenir are different from other objects, for example, tickets. They provide both visible memories (local words, pictures) as well as sensory memories (Sim as cited in Urry Wang, 2007.p.328) which has stronger association with the local culture they have experienced. How a tourism host has to think about food for tourists. Sims (2009, p.328) states that to designing and provide high-quality catering or distinctive local food products is one way of promote local food brands. Normally, there are several famous local restaurant can be introduced to tourists during their travelling. Hosts should be aware of successful tourism management have to develop a range of local catering service which can be distinguished from other tourism management and attract a constantly visitors streaming. Meanwhile, it is vital for hosts to master the food restrictions which belong to different customers. In the Christian calendar, two significant events must be remembered: Easter day and Christmas. Both of them are the commemoration of Jesus Christ whereas Ester day follows a lunar cycle (FitzGerald, 1998, p. 7) and Christmas day is fixed every year. Despite of some of them would avoid red meat on Friday there is no particular food restriction for Christines. Some special food should be prepared and provided in Hotel and res taurant on Easter day and big family Christmas feast (FitzGerald, 1998, p.7). In addition, most of the Buddhists are vegetarian because vegetarianism (FitzGerald, 1998, p.13) is the single restriction for food of this religion. This issue should be noticed by people who running international tourism business. Religions and Philosophies How these religion might affect tourists. Religions and Philosophies take part into a significant role in the human beings civilization and history. Every religion has its own characteristic and philosophy. Therefore, for tourists who going to make an overseas traveling, they may encounter situations which is different from or even disobey with their believing. Meanwhile, tourists who have their own religion will always be obedient. No matter which area they were or they will be. The religious philosophies and behaviors would never be changed. For example, in Islam, all the individuals behaviors have been controlled in their social, economic and political lives. They are not allowed to eat pork, animals blood and even have one month for Ramadan (FitzGerald, 1998, p.4) which demands all the Muslims be fast during the daytime. The Muslim women who wear hijab might not suit to go to the beach while they are travelling. Some potential dangers would be existed participate some recreation activities as well. How a tourism host has to cater for religious differences As FitzGerald (1998) has indicated that to understand the different religions and their philosophies would improved the communication in global tourism industry for both tourists and host. What is more, to show respect to each religion and offer special tread for them are very important for hosts. As it mentioned before, Muslins have to worship five times every week. As a result, hosts need to make sure they know where the mosque is or even provide a quiet corner for them to complete the mission. Buddhism, which is a pan-Asian religion and philosophy (FitzGerald, 1998, p. 11) has affected in the field of spirit, social life and national culture in the eastern world over a long period of time. Buddhists are promising not to kill or harm any living things. Undertaking family and sex loyalty and refraining from get something which doesnt belong to them. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is clear that cross-cultural communication and understanding not only affect to international tourists, but are also important to the hosts who running the global tourism business in the field of language, customs, food and regions. Essentially, tourists who travel in the intercultural environment can be affected by the differences between other cultures and their own. Meanwhile, the different languages give rise to some misunderstanding or even non-communication. Therefore, the hosts must be aware of these cultural differences such as different languages, different non-verbal communication and different religions they have. Above all, in order to eliminate the communication problems and maintain an atmosphere of peace and enjoyment in international tourism circumstances. It is necessary for hosts to take these into consideration in this industry by supply interpreters, foreigner information translation. People who work in this industry must know very well about the characteristics of different customs and religions, which can help to avoid cultural conflicts. In addition to that, tourism business owners have to provide ideal service which can give international tourists a unique local cultural experience. Meanwhile, customers cultures and customs should be respected. The cross-cultural understanding in global industry may never be completely taken into consideration by hosts, however, further studies to identify potential problems and solutions, as well as an improvement in cross cultural communication for global tourism industry, should result in a better understanding and more enjoyable experiences for both hosts and tourists.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Advice Before You Sell Your Website :: Sell Websites Buy Websites

Advice Before You Sell Your Website Reprinted with permission of Only 27% of all websites that are put on the market are sold. This is a shocking statistic to most people trying to sell a website. If you follow the tips below your chances of selling dramatically increases. Have All Records Ready Before You Attempt to Sell Have these items ready before the website goes on the market to be sold: The last 3 years of federal tax returns for the website being sold, the last 3 years of financials (profit & loss statement, balance sheet), the last 3 years of monthly bank statements, etc - many parties during the selling process will need this info - serious website buyers, lenders who will provide financing for the buyer, as well as others. Also make sure you know what the correct Adjusted Net income has been for the last 3 years. Serious website buyers will want to know this. Adjusted Net income is: Net Income + Owners Salary + Depreciation + Interest Expenses + Other Website Expenses Deducted (that may not be website expenses to the new owner of the website). Have a Professional Website Valuation Performed Getting a 3rd party professional website appraisal/valuation is important and critical for the process. Most websites put on the market NEVER SELL usually due to too high of a price placed on the website being sold. Getting a professional 3rd party valuation is well worth the expense and will be utilized by many parties during the selling process: possible website buyers, financing companies for the buyer, and others. Keep a Sale Transaction Folder Keep a folder of all contacts, notes, and paperwork for your website for sale transaction. Keep a log of all buyers who contact you - get their phone numbers, email address and keep notes about them. You want to make sure you have backup buyers in case your first choice drops out during the negotiation process. Keep all escrow info, purchase agreements, signed non-disclosure and confidentiality forms, contact phones of CPA’s, attorneys, etc. and other pertinent data/info in this folder. Write Up a Comprehensive Summary of The Website Buyers are going to need to know many details about the website being sold. Instead of having to explain repetitively to many buyers about the website, and possible forgetting many important details, make a summary of the website being sold. Include: History of the website, date established, important attributes

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Job Searching in the 21st Century Myths and Realities no. 14 Essay

Job Searching in the 21st Century Myths and Realities "Find your dream job online!" "Electronic job search revolution!" Of all the hype surrounding the Internet, one of the biggest claims may be how information technology is changing the way people look for jobs. A huge number of electronic job resources are available: resume posting sites, job vacancy databases, employer websites, discussion boards and newsgroups, industry salary and information sites, and general career information sites. The Internet gives job seekers access to vast amounts of information about vacancies and employers, 24-hour availability, broader geographic reach, networking, career development advice, and simplified resume distribution (Dikel 2001). For recruiters and employers, the Internet can speed up the hiring process, provide a large pool of applicants, and reduce advertising and other costs (Pearce and Tuten 2001). But how effective is online job searching? Are traditional methods now a waste of time? Like everything else in cyberspace, online job hunting i s constantly changing. For example, a 1999 Fortune magazine cover announced "I got my job online-and soon so will you" (Useem 1999). Now a 2001 article advises: "Enjoy being unemployed? Keep job hunting online" (Fisher 2001). And measuring any kind of Internet use is a perilous process--a variety of conflicting statistics can be found. This publication investigates some myths and realities of job searching in the 21st century. Out with the Old? Are job seekers flocking to online search methods? Approximately 100,000 sites offer resume posting and classified ad services; estimates of the number of resumes on the Web range from 2.5 million (Pearce and Tuten 2001) to 20 million (Corsini ... ...e." December 13, 2000.,,5971_534601,00.html Kuhn, P., and Skuterud, M. "Job Search Methods: Internet versus Traditional." Monthly Labor Review 123, no. 10 (October 2000): 3-11. Li, C.; Charron, C.; and Dash, A.. "The Career Networks." Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research, 2000. "Net Playing Role in Job Searches." May 15, 1999.,,5971_153281,00.html Pearce, C. G., and Tuten, T. L "Internet Recruiting in the Banking Industry." Business Communication Quarterly 64, no. 1 (March 2001): 9-18. Useem, J. "For Sale Online: You." Fortune 140, no. 1 (July 5, 1999): 66-78. "Web Expands Role in Corporate Recruiting." March 29, 2000.,,5971_330331,00.html

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Evolution of white women in society Essay

During the colonial chronology of the United States, many a historian pictured women as better situated than their more recent contemporaries (Mary Beth Norton, 1984). The value of women in the colonies was premised on the survival mode of the colonists during that time (Norton, 1984). To survive, both male and female were expected to pull their own weight in the community for the common good of the community (Norton, 1984). Due to this situation, the common lines of separation on the roles of women from the men were blurred greatly (Norton, 1984). As such, women in the colonies could engage in the activities that were also done by the men folk in the community (Norton, 1984). But what gave women a distinct advantage was that they could produce offspring, a very large contribution to the survival of the colonies (Norton, 1984). Also, the Common Law as it was applied in England was not fully complied with in the colonies (Norton, 1984). Hence, women were able to contribute more fully in the life of the colonies (Norton, 1984). Today’s society bears little distinction in the role of women in the colonies. At present, women are doing many of the duties and employment that men have usually been pictured. Women can do what the men are doing to be able to cope with the increasing costs of living in the present economy of many countries. Most are successful in many of traditional endeavors of man. Sadly, there are opponents from both sides, one saying that women must be confined to their traditional station, while another seeks greater power for the women. What lies in the crux of the issue is the issue of equality for both sexes. We must treat women as vital instruments to the growth of a society, not only as objects to look and admire at. That aim can be achieved in terms of affording greater avenues for women to make that contribution, not locking them away from them. In this day and age, all hands count in the survival of a community. Reference Norton, M. B. (1984). The evolution of white women’s experience in early America. The American Historical Review, Volume 89, pp. 539-619

Caribbean Slavery Essay

Slaves were people captured in war, used to settle a debt, or made slaves as a means of punishment. The Spaniards in the Caribbean had little need for African slaves in the early 1500s for various reasons. The Treaty of Tordesillas, which was a line of demarcation drawn north to south, west of the Azores and Cape Verde’s, stipulated that the areas west of the line belonged to the Spaniards and the east to the Portuguese. As a result of the treaty Africa was on Portugal’s side of the line, so in order for Spaniards to obtain African slaves they had to go through the Portuguese. During the period of the early 1500s the Treaty of Tordesillas resulted in the Portuguese being the first nation that the Spaniards granted an asiento. This was granted in 1515. These special licenses, asientos, only allowed a specific number of slaves into a diverse number of countries and limited the need for African slaves. The cost to ship slaves from West Africa to Portugal and Spain and then to the Americas proved prohibitive. There was easier access to Taino labour and it was unnecessary to spend extra money on importing slaves. Tainos were used to find and mine the gold because they were familiar with the surroundings and there were enough Tainos to mine the little gold the Spaniards had found. Indentured servants or white servants also contributed to the need for only a small number of African slaves in the 1500s. Indentured servants (contracted workers; poor people from Europe) started to migrate to the Caribbean from Europe, as the Caribbean were advertised as having prospects of a new life and jobs. Their contracts usually lasted four to five years. The islands that were found in the Caribbean needed to be developed in order to make them suitable for living. The Spaniards offered property as an incentive to attract people who would develop the islands and settle there. This was how indentured servants were coaxed into migrating. Eventually however, the Amerindians and white servants were no longer a sufficient labour force. B. The Amerindians were not used to the working conditions and thus died. Also, Old World diseases such as measles, diphtheria, typhus, cholera, scarlet fever, chicken pox, yellow fever, whooping cough, smallpox, influenza and gonorrhea affected them while some died from depression. Indentured servants were unskilled in cultivation and unwilling to work. They were unaccustomed to the conditions of the Caribbean and succumbed to various New World diseases such as syphilis and yellow fever. Africans worked harder, survived the conditions of the Caribbean better (similar conditions existed in Africa), knew how to plant tropical plants, and were more resistant to Old World diseases. They were also less costly than indentured servants and there was a more constant supply of African slaves than indentured servants. The trade winds which blew from east to west made coming to the Caribbean from Africa very easy. That is in comparison to traveling from Europe to the Caribbean which was difficult as the trade winds worked against sailing ships. Also ships had a longer distance to cover when they sailed to the Caribbean from Europe. African slaves were their master’s property. Masters could do whatever they pleased with the African slaves as they paid for them and they were their property. Offspring produced by said slaves was also their master’s property. This added to the reliability of African slaves as there would always be another generation to enslave. Indentured servants could easily escape as they had the same appearances, knew the culture and language and therefore could easily blend into the crowd and disappear with the influx of people coming and leaving the Caribbean islands. Africans could not do this because of their colour and it would be difficult for them to escape. This added to the appeal of using African slaves. Plantation owners became greedy and no longer wanted to give or offer their sugar lands so as to attract indentured servants to come to the Caribbean. The plantation owners saw the Africans as a commodity therefore did not have to give any incentive to attract them because they were their property and enslaved to them. For these reasons the Africans were seen as a perfect source of labour. Increased work resulted in increased productivity, which increased the wealth of the Spaniards. C. By the 1600s and 1700s African slaves became more popular in the Caribbean. Amerindians had died out by the 1500’s due to diseases, overwork and ill-treatment. Indentured servants had lost fervour in coming to the Caribbean as it was costly to travel and the chances of surviving the tropical conditions were slim. Some ran away, breaking their contract, to become Buccaneers. The decline in the number of available indentured servants and Tainos, and the growth of the colonies increased the need for labour. Sugar had become very popular and was in demand on the European market. The wealth that sugar brought was recognized and more land as cultivated for sugar production. The sugar revolution had begun and the Dutch saw an opportunity to sell slaves in the Caribbean as there was a rise in labour needs. The Dutch were granted an asiento in 1667, by this time Dutch trading in African slaves became very popular. Additionally, slaves were severely abused and thus many died. The rapid demise of slaves from the harsh conditions resulted in a constant need and t his also added to the â€Å"great extension of African slavery in the rest of the Caribbean in the 1600s and 1700s†.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Darkest Child

In the novel The Darkest Child the author Delores Phillips displays the activities and likely hood of growing up in the still racist Deep South. The main character Tangy Mae encounters hardships and tribulations amongst her family. Her mother Rozelle Quinn displays negative habits of a mother by being over controlling of her kids. Rozelle often beat and called her children names out of frustration and rage. Tangy Mae and her siblings must step up to the plate in order for the family to make a living without a father figure while dealing with their scolding mother.In the story the Darkest Child the mother Rozelle Quinn is a thirty – five year old tall slender lady with dark grey eyes and so fair-skinned that she can pass for white is the mother of ten children including Tangy Mae who all lived in fear of her moods and temper. Rozelle favors her light-skinned kids, but insists that they all love and obey her unquestioningly. Tangy Mae is her smartest and darkest colored child, a nd her mother treated her different because of that.Tangy Mae went to school longer than all of her other siblings and wanted to continue but her mother wouldn’t allow her to because she wanted her to work like the rest of her siblings. Her mother would often beat her and her other siblings an example from the book is â€Å"The belt looped through the air in a rush, but instead of striking Martha Jean it cut into my shoulders, neck, and back. It knocked me off balance. †(Phillips 119) Her mother would always tell her things like she was ugly.She would talk to her kids anyway she would like and always threatened them to get her point across for example â€Å"Effortlessly, Mama wrapped her other arm around Martha Jean’s neck and breathed into her ear, dumb bitch. You no-good, dumb bitch. I’ll break yo’ goddam neck. †(Phillips 118) But somehow through all the stressful situations Tangy somehow still managed to keep her head up and stay strong t hrough it all. Their mother had a mental illness she would â€Å"Satan’s in here, she said in a hollow voice, her gaze darting about the room.While I was gone, one of yall let satan in my house. Who was it? No one spoke. Don’t sit there like idiots. I wanna know who did it. †(Phillips 69-70) This shows that Tangy Mae’s mother suffers from an mental illness. Tangy Mae and her siblings have been through it all from racism to being baldly mistreated by their mother. Their mother wanted to be in control of their whole life and if her kids ever went against something she said and didn’t obey her rules she would brutally hit them and call them all types of names.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Christian moralists Essay

According to Freud, they are â€Å"fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most urgent wishes of mankind; the secret of their strength lies in the strength of their wishes† (Pals 72). For him, the only way to test something is by the scientific method (Pals 72). The believers of religion draw their religion from feelings and emotions (Pals 72). He mentioned that it was a given that religion may have helped build civilizations however, since civilizations were already built, superstition and repression should not continue to be the foundation (Pals 72). According to Freud â€Å"Religion would thus be the universal obsessional neurosis of humanity† (Pals 73). In his perception, mature people are those guided by reason and science and not by mere superstition and faith (Pals 73). God, for this thinker, was not a being that was real (Pals 73). In fact, he saw God as an illusion that was nearly projected by the self because they had a deep longing to overcome guilt and to lessen their fears (Pals 73). Religion may be something that is rooted from the ego to be able to make sense of the struggles that are present in the world. But it is more than just a bunch of feelings and emotions because those fade. Religion has been around for centuries and that cannot be because most of the people around the world have felt like believing in God for all these years. Hope has in fact been seen to be built on nothing but illusion; in reality, it exists because of faith (Palmer 279). Faith cannot exist without religion. However, Christian moralists would still stay true to the fact that with hope in their lives, it would be significant and have moral worth (Palmer 279). Critics of religion would say that morality would depend on the need of a â€Å"psychologically realistic foundation† that calls for human purposes (Palmer 279). Going back to the question posed earlier, if it was about feelings and emotions, then religion should have been replaced by money or by other things. Even though in this secular world, most of religion’s areas are penetrated by such things, it still prevails for a reason; because people have faith. Majority of the people in the world believe in God, does this mean only a part of the human population are mature people? If the strength of religion lies in the â€Å"strength of its wishers,† how come faithless people have come to know God because of the things that happen in their own lives that they would consider nothing short of a miracle (Pals 72). If everything can be tested by the scientific method, it should have tested why people fall in love or why people can risk their lives to rescue someone else. How come students from the direst of neighborhoods can graduate from high school despite everything that could hinder him or her? Was it determination and hope? Where did those qualities come from? Is it the illusion of the people that God had always been able to provide for them even if they felt that all is lost and has ended? Is it an illusion that the sun rises in the morning and that planets are held in their axis and revolve around there orbit? If religion is just something for a person to overcome guilt, how come people have to place such emotions of God while there are a whole lot of other things that are more tangible that people can turn to? Why not you rely on something can see if that means having to have a better concept of that â€Å"illusion. † Religion from Society Following Emile Durkheim’s point of view relating religion with sociology, morality was perceived to be the obligation of each other to others wherein it cannot be separated from religion (Pals 95). Religion and morals mesh together in a social framework (Pals 95). Under his views, the success of the religious leader does not lie in the number of converts he had brought in the congregation but the event that has reinstated a sense of community amongst the people (Pals 95). Durkheim believed that â€Å"Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, set apart and forbidden† (Pals 99). When he talked about sacred things he referred to â€Å"unite in one moral community called church and those who adhere them† (Pals 99). Sacred things referred to the issues of the community while those that are not sacred referred to the private things and the everyday things a person encounters (Pals 99). Under Durkheim’s view of religion, it was more like a society. â€Å"The idea of society is the soul of religion† because the concept of religion needed the society in order to exist. It was based on creating a sense of belongingness. Society was formed by the collective commitment of the individuals because without such commitment the society would fail to exist. In the same way, religion exists merely because a lot of people are committed to the fact that it does exist. Like Freud, he referred to Totemism as an example of how society gave birth to religion. Freud saw how religion is exactly just like society, in comparison, the rituals and the rites and the church leaders can be seen as a mere superficial or surface part of religion because it is just a body of collective beliefs and practices that are endowed by such some kind of authority. This thinker also believed that there was nothing neither divine nor supernatural because he saw that it was just society that produced this concept in order to keep people in line and to give emphasis on certain things that the society should value as a whole. Society had survived from civilizations that have started in the past. The question whether how religion was formed was important to answer because defines the further need for it. Is it a mere creation of man that humanity exists? If not, then why did it exist; because of the perseverance of the human spirit? Where did this perseverance come from, more than that, where did the spirit come from? These are things the society cannot really provide for them if the premise is society gave birth to religion. Alienation Karl Marx, of all the thinkers in the past may have presented one of the most scornful and sarcastic contempt at religion (Pals 139). Most of the discussion about religion from this philosopher referred to religion as alienation. He never really just concentrated on discussing religion alone but his works have shown how he had pretty much a heavy opinion about it and that influenced the structure of Communism. It was plain and simple for Marx, â€Å"religion is pure illusion† (Pals 138). Similar to how Freud saw religion, Marx saw it more than an illusion but something that was dangerous and something that should be eradicated from society (Pals 138). He considered religion as the worst kind of ideology because of how it expressed a perceived bunch of excuses dressed as reasons in order to keep society in the manner that their oppression would like them to stay as (Pals 138). Religion is then related to a tool of oppression instead of being a liberating factor that most Christian ideals adhere to. Since he was consumed with how he taught a capitalist society brought about oppression he saw religion as merely another factor to keep people in line and to prevent them from having to go against the leaders of society. Since most of his arguments fall upon his hatred for the Capitalist society, he attacked religion saying it was fully determined by economics that made all the doctrines that was attributed to it to have no merits of their own (Pals 138). Since he had no respect for that kind of system, he did not see much of the structure and nature of religion as well (Pals 138). Marx found a profound parallelism between religion and socioeconomics wherein he saw how both areas of society alienated people from important parts of who they were (Pals 140). While religion took moral values; socioeconomics took productive labor (Pals 140-141). Religion took a way a part of the people, the morality part as humans and attributed it to a wholly imaginary being (Pals 141). Marx saw how it took away the credit from the people and awarded everything to God (Pals 141). On the other hand, socioeconomics took away the fruits of the labor of the people and awarded it to whoever had the money to pay, mostly to the rich (Pals 141). Marx saw how these two concepts were too much alike because of how they were related to each other. Like Durkheim, he saw that the capitalist society created religion as economics was the base for everything. He then moved for the abolition of religion under the Communist ideology as this was considered an illusory happiness (Pals 141). According to him, the abolition of religion was actually required for real happiness to occur (Pals 141). He saw that religion did not help the people, most especially the poor. For him, religion only created fantasies for the people that enabled them to ease the pain they felt from the oppression of society (Pals 141). He saw religion as the opium of the poor (Pals 140). He illustrated religion as nothing more than being addiction to any form of drug (Pals 142). It may be a form of escape that would make a person worry-free for a while but it does not serve anything (Pals 142). He saw religion as pure escapism (Pals 142). Religion, for Marx, only shifted the gaze of the people and their reliance on God instead of having to rely upon themselves for their own well-being (Pals 142). However, he also said that it blinded the people from the real injustice of the material, physical situation they had in society because they were much to focus on fixing their second life or their eternal life in heaven to be worried about their current stature on earth (Pals 142). The fact that religion was seen to oppress can be reflected in erroneous leadership on the part of the Church in the past but it cannot generalize the whole body of believers. If a person works for this current life with disregard for the consequences of the next life, what is he to gain? Is he to be satisfied? No person had ever found the ultimate satisfaction, no matter how hard they work or how wealthy they are, this cannot be attained in the present life. Whoever says he or she can must be fooling him or herself. Reliance on a supreme being is placed in the fiber of human nature for a reason, because they need God. It is not to oppress them to being helpless beings. It actually empowers them to be the best that they can become with the help from their creator. Conclusion No matter what such thinkers present regarding the false hopes and the perception of believers regarding religion, there are still so much areas that remain undisputed. There are still areas in the field of religion that remain to be untouched and simply ignored. The areas that cannot be explained cannot be test by scientific explanation. There are areas that can be denied that they exist even if they dispute that religion does not. If religion was birthed out of society, and there are a lot of atheists that can almost form a community out of themselves, how come they do not just create their own society that could affect the society of believers in the world? The argument about faith and the existence of God had been a long withstanding debate for centuries now and still, the world still contain a large body of believers that are willing to put faith first before reason. Does this make these people unintelligent beings? There had been thinkers as well who had defended the faith that had chosen to believe because they saw how reason cannot overcome everything, only faith can do that. The existence of religion cannot only be out of the desires of the leaders to keep society in line. It takes more than human power to be able to sustain this for centuries. If it was placed in the hands of mere humans, then there must have been a time wherein atheists have struggled for power and took the reigns of society to reverse the mindset. The protection around the concept of religion speaks tons for itself. It takes divine power to be able to stay significant for centuries for different peoples all over the world. Works Cited Pals, Daniel L. Seven Theories of Religion. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996 Palmer, Michael. The question of God: An introduction and Sourcebook. New York: Routledge, 2001.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Advanced Academic Writing The wide attention of critics to Hemingway â€Å"Indian Camp† can be attributed in compare two secondary sources: â€Å"Hemingway Primitivism and Indian Camp† by Jeffrey Meyers, and â€Å"Dangerous Families and Intimate Harm in Hemingway Indian Camp† by Lisa Tyler. Both Meyers and Tyler explore the theme of masculinity and Hemingway biography. The story introduces the theme of masculinity in the context of giving birth in anIndian camp. Although childbirth typically concern women, Hemingway turns it into a male-dominated situation and shifts the focus to DRP. Adams, who performs a Cesarean operation, and to the husband's suicide. Both Tyler and Meyers examine this masculine focus of a typically female endeavor-?childbirth. Tyler refers to DRP. Adams role as the person who passes on values and shape perceptions of masculinity and especially how to respond to a women suffering to his son- Nick.Meyers, on the other hand, refers to the India n husband who feels responsible for the male sexual behavior during the birthing that contaminates his wife and â€Å"cannot bear this defilement of his wife's purity â€Å", therefore follows his primitive values and customs and â€Å"punishes himself for the violation of taboo†. Both secondary sources cite Hemingway biography. Tyler uses Hemingway biography in order to demonstrate how Hemingway own relationship with his father extends to the interactions between Nick Adams and his father. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Total Quality Management (TQM) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Total Quality Management (TQM) - Essay Example The main idea is that execution and outcomes of TQM processes are quite distinct from its precepts and theories. Besides, TQM is itself in the process of reinvention and evolution and has unquestionably come a long way since it was first established during the middle of 20th Century. What strikes one most about TQM is that it does not really concern itself about quality or benchmarks, but is a system that is designed to sustain long term value addition and growth for the total business, and not necessarily for specific constituents of business segments like Production, Quality Controls (QC), Inventory Management, etc. Perhaps, one of the major aspects of TQM, besides its holistic approach, lies in its continued sustenance and implementation over long period of time, thus contributing to the overall success of this technique. Perhaps, sustaining the momentum of TQM practices is even more challenging and onerous, especially in SME organizations, where there are several constraints, in terms of available documentation and a well laid out work flow system, besides shortage of human and material resources to set systems afloat. â€Å"Implementing TQM Management alone cannot ensure its long term business success. The leader has to drive the TQM implementation in accordance to the TQM principles, follow the TQM model, provides regular TQM training in the application of TQM Tools, get total employee involvement in their continuous improvement culture building and keep up its momentum† (Foong 2001).

Monday, August 12, 2019

Endangered Species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Endangered Species - Essay Example In an analysis of the changes in the number of species in the threatened category on the Red List over the last decade, it becomes palpable to the observer that there is a gradual but fundamental expansion of the numbers of various endangered species. For the various groups of endangered species such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, molluscs, and plants, the number of endangered species has generally been greater than that of the critically engendered species, except fish and molluscs. In the case of the endangered mammals, there was a gradual development in the number of critically endangered species from 169 in 1998 to 188 in 2008, except for the period 2004-2007, and in the number of endangered species from 315 in 1998 to 448 in 2008. Similarly, there was a gradual but essential change in the number of critically engendered species in the categories of birds (from 168 in 1998 to 190 in 2008), reptiles (from 41 in 1998 to 86 in 2008), and insects (from 44 in 1998 to 70 in 2008).